This popular duo have a distinct ‘northern resonance’ and their songs with melodeon accompaniment bring the tradition to life in an engaging and appealing manner. Cotton Town Chronicles is a folk song-based presentation which provides an interesting overview of working life during the age when cotton and coal were king.It is a journey in which key moments of social history provide the context for the song to take centre stage. And, each song tells a story – it’s Grease, Grit and Grime; Mills, Mines and Machinery; poverty, struggle, love, humanity and the ability to look on the bright side of life. It is a look at Lancashire Life during this time period through a different lens. It’s a social history synopsis.
Admission £10 (£8 unwaged)
On the majority of club nights you will be able to pay on the door although we do put advance tickets on sale. On occasion demand will be very high and the evening may sell out in advance or there will be limited availabilty on the door. Please check the website regularly for the current position on specific evenings.
For more information please visit their website